Binance and the Dark Side of Finance

Before I begin, let me just put a little disclaimer out there, because in all reality, I don’t know crap about ducks, so if you want to bash me for not knowing the facts, or if you feel I’m just all opinion here which I pretty much am, this here will serve as my armor statement against all you potential trolls and Binance fan boys out there in the wide world.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into my theory here on Binance, and how I believe it will survive indefinitely, so long as the United States doesn’t completely focus on them, which as we know from past experiences, will surely bring them down.

Okay, so we already know that Binance has been involved with the dark side of finance in the past, and most likely is still involved with it now, so my theory is, why wouldn’t Binance continue to operate positively going forward.

Sure, Binance has been kicked out of so many countries already, because Changpeng Zhao (CZ) is no dummy, and he’s not going to register his company and give up his location. He’s been doing this for years, and Binance is still the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, so why kowtow to these countries now.

I guess the latest terrorist organization allegedly being aided by Binance is Hamas, and I don’t want to get too into the weeds with this kind of stuff, but what I am trying to highlight here in order to make my point pertaining to the stability of Binance and its future, is that I believe Binance could literally survive and prosper on mostly dark money.

As long as Changpeng Zhao (CZ) continues to operate a centralized exchange, in decentralized fashion locality wise, I think Binance will continue to be the money printing machine it has been for many years to come.

Although it can’t be proven, just like most things until it all comes crashing down, think FTX even a few days before its ultimate demise, I think Tether is a big contributor in Binance’s success as well, and vice versa.

I strongly believe, that so long as Binance and Tether continue to operate in “do whatever you want” countries, free from the long arm of United States law, I think they will both remain infinite money printing machines, not unlike The Federal Reserve System here in the United States.

One could argue that The Fed funds criminals and evil corporations legally, whereas Binance and Tether funds bad guys and companies illegally. At least Binance and Tether aren’t pretending, and most likely just consider it the inevitable dirty side of doing business.

One way I think Changpeng Zhao (CZ) messed up though was showing the United States how much power he had, and I don’t think the politicians that had Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the former, disgraced, and now possibly in prison for life chief executive officer of the Futures Exchange, better known as FTX were happy about Changpeng Zhao (CZ) bringing their political donation machine down, especially in such a public and embarrassing way on Twitter / X to boot.

If it’s one thing politicians hate, it’s other people with power, and that stunt sure did prove that Changpeng Zhao (CZ) had it, because in just a single tweet, he managed to bring down the second largest cryptocurrency exchange in the whole world at the time… now that’s power.

With all that being said, Changpeng Zhao (CZ) definitely painted a pretty big target not only on his back, but also on Binance’s back, and any other entities out there in the world operating in the so-called grey area of business.

I think it is only going to get worse for the entities out there operating in the grey zone, because come March of 2024, if allowed, Sam Bankman-Fried will have yet another trial, this time it will be all about his political donations, and who he gave them to.

Assuming the trial even happens, some of those politicians (doubtful) may lose their positions, be forced to return the donations, or worse… serve some time in the joint alongside their favorite donor Sam Bankman-Fried.

Who knows how this will all go down in the end, but my opinion on Binance has and always will be the same: Any exchange that has their own coin, that they themselves created and manage, is most likely a fraudulent operation.

However, if Changpeng Zhao (CZ) and his beloved Binance continue to operate in no location, make most of their money via the dark side of finance, and continues to maintain a friendly relationship with Tether, I personally don’t ever see them failing as an exchange, only growing.

Those are my thoughts anyway… what are yours?

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